OCR Trademark Searches
Search databases of ocr'ed registration certificates
* (my isp limits databases to 1 Gig)
First Database: | 232,820 | registration certificates from | 1 to | 232,862 |
(1870-10-25 to 1927-09-20) |
Second Database: | 309,480 | registration certificates from | 232,863 to | 599,999 |
(1927-09-20 to 1954-12-28) |
Third Database: | 469,606 | registration certificates from | 600,000 to | 3,752,366 |
(1954-12-28 to 2010-02-23) |
Total: | 1,011,906 | |
It's predominantly registration certificates I don't think are in TESS and additional
ones described below.
The searches are case insensitive (ex: a search for Marshmallow will give the same
results as searches for marshmallow or marshMallow).
the favorable words box could contain special punctuation characters as explained
Also note that words of three or fewer characters are not indexed. There is also
this list
of stopwords that don't get indexed. Searching for words of three charaters or less or for stopwords
will not match anything in the database. Additionally, words appearing in 50% or more of
the ocr'ed registration certificates are not indexed. Words like Registered or phrases like 'Patent Office' would
not be searchable. These are limitations of MySQL, the underlying free database used here.
*There may be missing trademarks. No guarantee of completeness expressed or implied!
I added ten thousand registration
certificates that aren't online at all (not in tess/trd/tarr).
I've also ocr'ed the nearly 4,000 tiff that are empty files (file size of zero bytes)
on the usamark dvds. All but two were in tsdr.
I've ocr'ed the ~600,000 registrations I do not believe are in TESS and I've continued
to ocr more of the registrations that are most likely in TESS.
The first two databases contain ocr'ed output of all available registration certificates.
Gaps in the databases correspond to registration certificates that are not available
in tsdr or on USAMark dvd's.